Daniel R. Jennings
Helping Life Make Sense



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       Sean Multimedia
       (2015), 85 pp


Faith: God's Answer For Your Disappointments And Suffering: What do we do when life goes completely contrary to the way we feel it should? How do we handle life's disappointments, heartaches and let downs? All people suffer but not all respond appropriately to their sufferings. For some, suffering turns to bitterness and unforgiveness towards God. For others it turns to despair and, sometimes, even suicide and we are led to ask the question how does one handle the big (and small) setbacks, hurts and disappointments that we all experience. Drawing upon his own experience of suffering, the author provides hope for every hurting soul, demonstrating that no matter how hurtful your situation has been, there is good behind and in it and though you may have felt like God was nowhere to be found He was there with you all of the time. Read online Here


Sean Multimedia
(2015), 214 pp


2000 Years Of Spiritual Warfare: Recorded Accounts Of Demonic Activity From The 1st To The 21st Centuries: Throughout history all cultures have believed in a race of invisible spiritual beings that influenced the visible world. Jesus taught the existence of these beings and promised his followers that they would have power over them. Compiled here are dozens of eyewitness accounts of demonic activity from the time of the Scriptures up until modern times demonstrating that not only do demons exist but they submit to the Name of Jesus. Read online Here

Sean Multimedia
(2012), 130 pp

Except For Fornication: Why Evangelicals Must Reevaluate Their Interpretation Of Matthew's Divorce Exception Clause: Evangelical churches often teach that Matthew's divorce exception clause allows a person to divorce and remarry in the case of adultery but many are unaware that this interpretation has been rejected by millions of Christians throughout history, that the belief that adultery allows a person to divorce and remarry actually causes the Bible to contradict itself and that there is another alternative interpretation which is supported by stronger historical and linguistic evidence which is being embraced by Evangelicals.  This work will take you on an incredible and surprising journey from the 5th century BC up until the present in an attempt to discover the real meaning behind Jesus' often quoted (but seldom deeply studied) exception clause. Read online Here



Sean Multimedia
(2005), 155 pp;
(2012), 219 pp


The Supernatural Occurrences of John Wesley: John Wesley (1703-1791) was the founder of the Methodist Church and there are some 170 million or more Christians who trace their spiritual roots back to him.  However, much about this man’s ministry has been forgotten.  Here, Daniel R. Jennings takes the actual quotes from Wesley’s journal showing his experiences with demon possession, individuals falling down slain in the Spirit while he preached, supernatural visions, dreams and cases of miraculous healings.  Included are sections on Wesley’s interpretation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and his opinion on how to appropriately view miracles.  An excellent resource for the Christian interested in exploring the possibility of miracles in our own day. Read online Here


Sean Multimedia
(2009), 137 pp

The Supernatural Occurrences Of Charles G. Finney: Charles Finney (1792-1875) was one of the most influential of the 19th century evangelists. While his itinerant ministry has been well documented, lesser known are the miracles that he recorded experiencing in his Memoirs. These miracles included revelations from the Holy Spirit, visions, the gift of prophecy, slain in the Spirit, impenitent sinners mysteriously struck dead, and other unusual occurrences. Here, perhaps for the first time, an attempt has been made to compile and analyze these experiences in an attempt to answer the enduring question of whether miracles ended with the completion of the Canon of Scripture or if they will continue until the Second Coming. Read Online Here




Enoch, Elijah and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Seven Signs That Your Church Is In Danger

Why Churches Close

The Spirit Of The Pharisees



Do You Need More Faith? Read These Verses


The Average Life Expectancy Of A Porn Star


The Ugly Side Of The U.S. Air Force Chaplaincy


Similarities Between UFO Encounters And
Demonic Encounters

The Haunting Of Southside Church Of The

The False Gift Of Tongues

Old And New Testament References To Demonic

Ancient & Medieval References To Montanism

Ancient & Medieval References To The Nicolaitanes

Primary Source Documents For The Torreón


Did Miracles Happen In The Early Centuries Of Christianity?


The Patristic Interpretation Of Romans 7:14-25


John Wesley, The Founder Of Methodism’s, 18th Century U.F.O. Investigation




The Clear New Testament Passages On Divorce
And Remarriage

Denominations That Officially Support The Permanency
Of Marriage

Are Bible Translations Progressively Softening God's
Word On Divorce?

The History Of Christian Thought Upon Marriage,
Divorce & Remarriage

An Alternative View Of Jesus' Divorce Teachings


John Wesley’s Experience With Divine Retribution

Against His Enemies


Was The Exodus Smaller Than Originally Thought?


"In Preparation"






John Wesley And Divine Retribution FATE Magazine, Vol 60, No. 7, Issue 687 (July 2007)
The Patristic Interpretation Of Romans 7:14-25, Part 1 The Arminian Magazine, Vol. 27, Iss. 2 (Fall 2009)
The Patristic Interpretation Of Romans 7:14-25, Part 2 The Arminian Magazine, Vol. 28, Iss. 1 (Spring 2010)




Daniel R. Jennings has spent years researching ancient Christian patristic texts ranging from the first to the eighth centuries.  Since 2006 he has served as the director of the Patristics In English Project, an online initiative whose goal is to translate all existing patristic texts up until the year 1000 into English and then distribute them freely via the Internet.  For more information please visit the Patristics In English website.